Section: Contracts and Grants with Industry


We continued in 2011 our activities connected to the existing ANR grants:

  • CISIFS (Control of Fluid-structure Interactions), coordinated by Lionel Rosier and Takéo Takahashi: 90500 euros for 4 years (2009-2013);

  • MICROWAVES (Microlocal Analysis and Numerical Methods for Wave Propagation), coordinated by Xavier Antoine: 103000 euros for 4 years (2009-2013);

  • GAOS (Geometric Analysis of Optimal Shapes), with Antoine Henrot local coordinator: 83130 euros for 3 years (2009-2012);

  • GCM (Geometric Control Methods), with Mario Sigalotti local coordinator: 129266 euros for 4 years (2009-2013).

  • MOSICOB: this ANR project (2008-2011) is devoted to complex fluids and to fluid-structure interactions. Our work concerns mainly the analysis and simulation of vesicles in a fluid flow.

  • ANR ARPEGE program ArHyCo (Since January 2009) is devoted to the stability analysis of hybrid systems with special attention to the observer-based control of multicell power converters;